The Bowthorpe Oak
My first memory of Jack Bowthorpe was when copies of the "Contact" magazine arrived through our letterbox. Inside the front cover was an endless list of companies including Bowthorpe, Hellerman & Tyton, etc, and at Christmas time a round tin of Players cigarettes arrived for my father Jim. When I started work I became an electrical engineer..I do wonder if Jack helped me along the way?
Michael Bowthorpe............. tree at bowthorpe dot org
Family Tree - my Grandfather is Thomas (shown with the downward arrow)
Bowthorpe Park Farm - was a village? & reference to Domesday book is near Norwich?
Jack Bowthorpe/Spirent website
I took my ham radio morse test in 1985 at the Humber Radio Station at Trusthorpe near Mablethorpe. Some years later I discovered that my grandfathers brother (George Bowthorpe) opened the station in Dec 1927 (it closed in June 2000). It's a small world :-) Here is the photo..........there is some writing on the brown background.